
Daniel Padilla Put His Finger Inside Kathryn Bernardo`s private parte


Daniel Padilla and Kathryn Bernardo, also known as Kathniel, have already a reputable name in the entertainment industry. Both were paired up and fortunately they were immediately welcomed by the viewers with open arms.

They started meeting at Showtime rehearsals wherein Kath's 1st impression to Daniel is 'Snob and Suplado'. But she likes Daniel being sincere and honest.

On the other hand, Dj's impression to Kath is 'Masungit'. But eventually Dj likes Kath's smile and they started to bond together at their 1st Taping Day of their show Growing Up.

Little by little they have proven their great skills in acting and their undeniable chemistry. As a result, they were tagged as the Teen King and Teen Queen for their accomplishments. Some of their top movies are She's Dating the Gangster, Crazy Beautiful You and Must Be... Love.

Fans and supporters also claim that they love the loveteam because of their close relationship with each other. They are so comfortable with each other to the point that they do things together and enjoyed every single moment of it.

Moreover, a short clip of them are circulating online. It shows Kathryn playing with Daniel's finger and putting it inside her nose. Hilarious to see them that way but they were still lovable and look good with each other.

Source: Chosen Trends


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