
Open letter to the Media: You are no longer as powerful and as influential as in the older days


demolished trust, regardless of how hard one may attempt to win it back, will as of now be always destroyed. In spite of the fact that excused, without a doubt, it's always remembered. As we probably am aware, it's not something to be forced, but rather to be earned. What's more, being one-sided is the embodiment and fastest approach to break such instantly. 

In media, then again, losing it is the most exceedingly bad thing that would ever transpire. For taking sides, regardless of how enormous they endeavor to disguise it flawlessly, still normally unfurls - much sooner than they know it. 

Voters of today are excessively brilliant, making it impossible to be deceived and excessively sharp, making it impossible to be trickedEverybody are just excessively tired and tired of enduring old news that is going on in the nation - spoiled government framework loaded with redtape, significant expansion in destitution, perceptible ascent in wrongdoing rate, parkways that appear parking garages because of unflinching metro movement, and the undying issue that weights the mass Filipinos - defilement. 

Attempting to direct by far most of the Filipinos wouldn't simply work and will beyond any doubt abandon them in dismay that could reinforce the cutting edge variant of EDSA individuals power by today's residents' ravenous for up and coming change.


Dear Philippine Media,

Thank you for showing your true colors at the height of the election campaign period. Now the whole country knows how UNRELIABLE and BIASED you really are. I sincerely congratulate you for making all efforts.

I only have one piece of advise for you. Now that Mayor Duterte is leading in surveys and will soon become the NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES, I suggest you become wise and change side. Since you are already biased, how about changing gears in favor of the Mayor? Not bad right?

Besides, the candidate/s you are trying to cover up are way behind the surveys. I'm quite certain after they lose this election, they will travel abroad and escape the inevitable persecution of the law because of their anomalies. AND YOU, THE MEDIA, will be left here in the country and will have to deal with a Duterte Presidency.

So be shrewd. Be proactive. Support Mayor Duterte while you still have time.
You don't have a choice. You are no longer as powerful and as influential as in the older days. We, the NETIZENS, are taking over!

Ramon Einstein Acuña

Source: filipinewsph


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