
Jaymee Joaquin of Kapamilya host was diagnosed with a stage 2 cancer

 Jaymee Joaquin

Can you still remember the former Kapamilya TV host named JAymee Joaquin?

The former Kapamilya Jaymee Joaquin has shocked the netizens after she revealed something about her health!

 Jaymee Joaquin

On her Instagram account, she revealed that she's been suffering from a 2nd stage of cancer and that she's been fighting for her survival.

Back in April 10, she posted a photo of her while her hair is being shaved. The photo that she posted came with a caption saying that she don't want to see her hair die right before her eyes and so she'd rather be brave enough to let go of them.

"Dear Virgin Hair: I don't wanna see you die right before my very eyes as I stroke you through my hands. I'd rather we depart while you're good and healthy and while I'm brave enough to let you go. I have mourned losing you temporarily... but I know in my heart that God will give you back healthier, thicker and better. See you in a few months. Happy Palm Sunday everyone! ?? #BELIEVEinjaymee ?? #jaymeewinswithGOD ???? #jaymeesjourneytohealing ? #nofilter ?? #nomakeup ?? #paleskinandlipsfromchemo ?? #bittersweetmoment ?? #detachfromattachment ?? #braverymeanslettinggo ???? #winlikeawoman ??" She wrote

Jaymee Joaquin

It was back in 2010 when she left showbiz and chose to study in Sydney, Australia.

She then became an English Teacher in Spain from 2011 to 2015.

Jaymee Joaquin

It was in 2016 when she was diagnosed with a cancer but despite everything, she remains positive and she still continues to battle against cancer through chemotherapy.

Jaymee Joaquin

Jaymee Joaquin

"Dear English Speaking JAYMEE WINS Believers: "How did I find out about my breast cancer? What type is it? A snippet of my diagnosis details, the English version, on my YouTube channel called Jaymee Wins. (FULL LINK IN MY BIO). Hoping to inform, inspire, educate and bring awareness. ?? (NOTE: Tagalog version, up next!) #JaymeeWins ?? #jaymeewinswithGOD ???? #jaymeesjourneytohealing ?? #breastcancer ?? #videoblog ?? #inspirationalblogger ?? #baldwoman ?? #cancervictor ???? #believer ???? #nohairdontcare ?? #youtuber ?? #healthblog ??" She wrote in another post.

Via: FilCommunity


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