President Rodrigo Duterte visited the farmers in Mendiola who are currently protesting.

President Rodrigo Duterte visited the farmers in Mendiola who are currently protesting.

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  • President Rodrigo Duterte visited the farmers in Mendiola who are currently protesting.

"HANDA NA BA KAYONG MAG REBULUSYON?" This is what President Duterte Asked to the Farmers When he visited Mendiola.

Civilians often rally because they want the government to hear their struggle. There are instances when these movements turn into tragedy when the civilians and the government fail to meet a certain agreement. It results into casualties and damages which create stronger barriers between the administration and these people who are crying for reform.

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However, the recent rally conducted by farmers from Tagum City happened peacefully when President Rodrigo Duterte himself approached the rallyists and listened to their plea. These civilians who gathered along the roads of Mendiola were reported to have been protesting against the Lapanday Food Corp. which was allegedly abusing the rights of these farmland owners.

The president initially declared in his previous speeches that he will be urging the oligarchs or rich businessmen in the country to pay appropriate amount of taxes and monetary obligations in the country. He has been vocal as well in asking the Supreme Court to stop issuing Temporary Restraining Orders in favor of these oligarchs. Furthermore, he reiterated that the government will do everything to stop corruption in its different forms.

Many netizens applauded the president for showing cooperation with the farmers. They claimed that he really has the ability to unite the Filipino people no matter where sectors do they belong.


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