VIDEO: This Woman`s Webcam Was Hacked And The Hacker Gets To See Everything

VIDEO: This Woman`s Webcam Was Hacked And The Hacker Gets To See Everything

A video clip is now going viral all over social media

A video clip is now going viral all over social media after a youtube channel named Amazing Videos brought to youtube a short film about webcams.

We all know that technology is getting more advance these days and as well as security of our privacy is always in question.

That is why this video has gained so much attention on social media because of the lesson it showed to their viewers.

The video shows a woman who is always using the current available apps in different websites and this apps utilizes your webcams.

Later on, the laptop and account of the woman was breached by a hacker and he was able to see every movement of the girl whenever she uses her laptop.

From her dorm room while changing clothes, to her kitchen and even the bedroom, the woman didn't know that many people have seen what she has been doing.

The video shows a woman who is always using the current available apps in different websites and this apps utilizes your webcams.

Later on, the laptop and account of the woman was breached by a hacker and he was able to see every movement of the girl whenever she uses her laptop.

From her dorm room while changing clothes, to her kitchen and even the bedroom, the woman didn't know that many people have seen what she has been doing. 

The video went viral all over social media and many people gave out their positive and negative sentiments on the video.


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