
WATCH: Meg Imperial and JC De Vera Got Drunk and stayed in hotel together

After turning his career to ABS-CBN, JC De Vera is now one of the hottest guy in Philippine television as he accepted the challege of doing sexy roles. Last time, he had a project together with one of the hottest actress of ABS-CNB Meg Imperial entitled “Moon of Desire”.

This seductive television series has one of the most daring scene in TV series. People really enjoyed the entertainment that this show has brought to their eyes. 

One of the exciting thing that many girls awaited for this show was when JC De Vera removed his top and showed his gorgeous body.

One episode holds the breath of many viewers that also circulating again on social media. The moment when Jc and Meg got drunk together and stayed in the hotel. Watch how hot their body in this scene.

Source: Today in Manila


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