
Ate Glow Reveals What Vice Ganda's Attitude Before Making it to the Top of His Career!

Wowowee is one of the best game show that our country ever had. It was a Philippine noon time variety show broadcast by ABS-CBN. The show premiered on February 5, 2005, and aired live on weekdays and Saturdays. The show was also broadcast worldwide through ABS-CBN's The Filipino Channel. The show officially ended on July 30, 2010 and was replaced by a new variety show.

But before the end of the show, one segment called Willie of fortune gave lots of opportunities to some infamous celebrities that now has a big name in showbiz industry.

Just like other celebrities, Vice Ganda was once then an aspirant before making it to top of his career. Ate glow revealed in the said segment what he was back then. Watch and see it for yourself.

Vice really is helpful in times of need. Hopefully everyone could realize what he's capable of.

Source: Team Wowowee Community


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