BREAKING: A Vintage Bomb Discovered in Puan, Davao City,

BREAKING: A Vintage Bomb Discovered in Puan, Davao City,


A Facebook user posted a photos of what he saw an excavation. Lately it revealed that there was a bomb discovered in Davao just an hour ago. The bomb squad recovered and removed the vintage bomb from the area that hidden.
A few hours ago, this vintage bomb was discovered along the streets of Puan, Davao City.
They break all the hard ways to removed the vintage bomb! Thanks God for the safety of the people of  Puan, Davao City.

There are no other details regarding the bomb that was discovered in Davao. It was probably discovered during a road or pipe repair in the area.
The last bomb that was unearthed in the city was found in February 2016.

The 2016 vintage bomb weighed a total of 2,000 pounds and was found in a subdivision in Buhangin. It was accidentally dug up by a backhoe operator.

The bomb was so deep to plant! I think it's an old bomb? or whatever! This issue was so hard to explain. That bomb was along an street!

What can you say about this vintage bomb? Some terrorist planted it? Or that bomb was too old?



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